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Webinaire d'accueil pour chercheurs internationaux

13 June 2024

This session will cover essential information and tips to ensure a smooth arrival.

Some of the questions that will be addressed are:

  • What will my researcher status be and what does this mean for my stay?
  • Will I be eligible for French health insurance?
  • What university residences exist for me?
  • What administrative procedures should I take care of upon arrival?
  • What documents will I need to open a French bank account?

The purpose of this webinar is to facilitate your arrival in Strasbourg. This is also an opportunity for you to ask your questions and meet the Euraxess team.

This webinar is open to all foreign researchers (PhD student, guest researcher, post-doc research, professor) and their spouses.

Please register under the following link: https://international-welcome.unistra.fr/services-pack/service/webinaire-daccueil-pour-chercheurs-internationaux/

The webinar will be on Big Blue Button: https://bbb.unistra.fr/b/ade-wux-wct-jnt

For those who cannot make it to the June session, the same webinar will be offered on the 29 July, from 15:00 to 16:00. The registration link for this second session will be sent out by mid-July.